Encourage people to print their photos.
While over 1 trillion digital photos are taken every year, only 1 in 100,000 are ever printed.
The others represent memories that are lost forever.
FISH developed a campaign to inspire people to print their photos so they could preserve their memories forever. The central idea was that life is full of moments, big or small, that you want to preserve and share with others. A digital video and social campaign tell the stories of people who ‘print their life’. Fujfilmprintlife.ca acts as the campaign hub, helping consumers inspired to print their photos select the printable products best for them, and guides them to the best third-party partner for printing.
Within two months of launch, customer engagement exceeded industry benchmark by 80%, and print volume has grown over 20-30% since the campaign was launched. This made-in-Canada campaign is now in the midst of becoming a global movement.